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Showing posts from July, 2017

Reflection for term 2.

I enjoyed doing this term I learned some new stuff about drum sticks if you hit the sticks upside down it makes a louder sound. I enjoyed watching peachgrove school perform  I saw some kids that used to come to our school. I learned some new art stuff like drawing a pointillism flower. I learned some new stuff about matariki and some new maori words. I enjoy playing soccer but I don’t play for the school I love drawing or sketching it’s my favourite subject. I have lots of friends and that's what makes me happy. I have a teacher named Whaea Kat I thank her a lot because she teaches me stuff like reading and stuff but that will be later on in the year.

Heres my pointtillism


How to make a Pointillism.

Instructions: 1.Get some Cotton Tips ( You can use any kind of cotton tips). 2.Use some paint choose whatever paint you need. 3.Get a white piece of paper make sure you put it on a hard platform. 4.Use a pencil to draw a var with flowers in it maybe if you want you can put a table underneath ( I would draw a sunflower in in my opinion). 5.Once you’ve drawn your flower with a var dip your cotton tip in the paint (WARNING don't dip it in all the way down because you don’t want your cotton tip to come out with blobs. 6. Now this is the important part put dots on your drawing don’t paint the normal way side to side just put dots. Reflection: When I tried this kind of art I felt tired of just putting dots everywhere. I kinda messed up because when I put dots all together it made a pile of blobs so do not put your dots in the same place over and over again.