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Showing posts from August, 2017

This is my Manu Taratahi.

Heres Jerome and Fatima's Taniwha.

Heres my Des hunt questions.

Ders hunt questions. 1.  Ders hunt how did you come up with and idea to make this book ( frog whistle mine) 2. Ders hunt is your frog whistle mine book a true story. 3. Ders hunt  why did you want to write the book frog whistle mine. 4. Ders hunt why did you actually call the book frog whistle mine. 5. Ders hunt are you making another series of frog whistle mine.

Heres my limerick.

There was dog that chased a cat with a bat named himself Matty Ratty Tat and gave him a hug and had some tea in a mug and after they smashed some bugs and rested on a rug and woke up and dashed around the house like flash and earned some cash.

Heres my Money Robot 2000.

My invention Money robot 2000. I wish I had a Money robot I’ll call it money robot 2000 if i could make i would make it anytime. It works like this I ask  the amount of money and it gives me the amount of money I need COOL RIGHT! It no face. I would share my robot with my family  you can buy anything! You can buy food clothes anything you're rich$$$. Make life easier with The Money robot 2000. Money robot 2000 is made out of iron Money robot 2000 has unlimited money. Money robot 2000 has no face I ask for the amount of money I need and it gives me the amount of money I need. Money robot 2000 loves money. Money robot 2000 HATES food he’ll explode if he eats food. Jerome Aiono. Yr5. Hamilton east school HES.

Heres my writing about strike.

Thick thick we walked down the hill and into the hall we sat down most of us sat on chairs I sat by the teachers. I heard drums going bang bang I liked the beat of the drums. Then the two drummers went and played the drums but the drums were high up by their heads it was impressive I felt  like dancing but I tried not to I was shaking. After the drummers told us their names one drummer's name was James he called himself Jimbo the flying nimbo and another and another named hannah he calls himself hannah  banana and a girl named Katie she called herself Special K they were a group their group name was strike. After they played with fire they put some kind of perfume and every time they sprayed the  perfume it blows the fire AMAZING RIGHT. I heard them clicking their sticks. I learned that if you hit the sticks upside down it makes a louder noise. Finally it was time was go ughhh I said in a relaxing voice AW my back I shouted in my head.

Heres my plan for manu tukutuku

Tools: Bamboo feathers string stick paper. I need skinny bamboo. I need to tie knots on all corners. I need a stick at the bottom. Kite needs stick to be little to large from top to bottom Maybe i will use paper instead of bamboo Feathers will connect to string on bottom Maybe i will hot glue a mask on the kite

Heres my shape poem about a cloud

Sometimes when i look at it it makes me proud                    Cloud. Most of the clouds are spread apart A cloud makes me happy So it can go really   bright Some clouds are so white And that masks me want to ride a cart