Thick thick we walked down the hill and into the hall we sat down most of us sat on chairs I sat by the teachers. I heard drums going bang bang I liked the beat of the drums. Then the two drummers went and played the drums but the drums were high up by their heads it was impressive I felt like dancing but I tried not to I was shaking. After the drummers told us their names one drummer's name was James he called himself Jimbo the flying nimbo and another and another named hannah he calls himself hannah banana and a girl named Katie she called herself Special K they were a group their group name was strike. After they played with fire they put some kind of perfume and every time they sprayed the perfume it blows the fire AMAZING RIGHT. I heard them clicking their sticks. I learned that if you hit the sticks upside down it makes a louder noise. Finally it was time was go ughhh I said in a relaxing voice AW my back I shouted in my head.
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