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Heres my story about Jack and the beanstalk enjoy.

Jack was rushing and climbing up the beanstalk as safe as he could finally he got to the top and a humongous enormous giant tried to step on the a rat but the rat wasn't a rat its was jack “FI FAI FO FUM COME HERE RAT I WANT TO EAT YOU RIGHT NOW!!” shouted the giant to the little teeny tiny jack jack tried to dodge the giants feet but luckily he was tiny enough to hide in a cup but the giant picked the bottle up and SMASH the giant smashed the cup on the ground.. Luckily jack remembered he got a sword on his back which he stole from the armoury shop “AIII YAHH” shouted jack as he swung his sword on the giants butt “AHHH NOOO” screamed the giant so the giant fell and nearly fell on jack “Fi fai fo fum now you're dead now go to sleep” said jack in a squeaking voice so jack stole some giant golden eggs the eggs were like nearly taller than jack “ERR” erred jack jack couldn't carry the eggs so instead he threw the golden eggs down down the deep beanstalk one by one.


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