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Touch Rugby.

Today my teacher red the 10o clock news and the 10o clock news said if you either want to play Touch rugby or Tea Ball so I chose Touch rugby with my friend Adonis and with a couple others so If we wanted to play Touch rugby we will have to go to Rm 15 to get a notice. But Adonis didn't get to have a notice because he didn’t know where Rm 15 was so he tried to look for me but he couldn't find me because I was practising for Inter schools. But we were going to start practising next Term (Which really sucks). So when it was Lunch time me and adonis ate and I asked him “Adonis did you get your notice” “No” Answers Adonis “ Why not” I said in a high voice “Because I didn't know where Rm 15 was and that's why I was looking for you” Replied Adonis “all goods I got a spear one” I said *Nec  Minute* I didn’t have the notice in my bag. Luckily after lunch My teacher had some notice for Touch Rugby Adonis was confused for some reason so my teacher asked “Who needs a notice for touch rugby” “Adonis” I shouted normally so finally Adonis finally got his notice.


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