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Kakariki house trip.

“Hey Jayden come we are gonna go on the bus “Okay” answered Jayden me and Jayden chose to go and sit at the back for some reason. “Here we are” Shouted Jayden “Shh!’ I said to jayden
Once we got in the kakariki house it was  Ka pai! It has heaps of different kind of art we all got to greet the people that worked there. They people that worked there showed all the cool artwork around the kakariki house we even got to go upstairs my best artwork that I saw was the one with an  car door and with some old letter that said the palace. I learned that the bamboo gives more oxygen than anything else. My buddy Jayden likes the lego ones he says they used to be alive I said “really” “yeah” said my cousin the funniest part of the trip around kakariki moment was when whaea cat told troy and cyrus to get off the mat “Oi  cyrus get off the mat you too troy are you in room 1 or 8 huh?” cyrus and troy grinned and got off the mat. And the funniest artwork was a lady body covered colorfully. The place with most plants was where all of the bamboo was. Once we finished going around the kakariki house we went in the kitchen and had some morning tea from the kakariki house we all got packets there was mandarins and orange juice and a muesli bar  then we came back from the kakariki house and back to school.

Here are some of the art works that we saw.


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