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This is one of the stories of Matariki. I hope you enjoy.

Once upon a time there was the nothingness all there was was the dark night. Ranginui and Papatuanuku Ranginui the Sky father and Papatuanuku the mother fell in love They had children's Tane,Ariki and another. But the kids were starting to grow they felt trapped they started fighting with each other because they had no space they were not free. One day Rangi and papa woke up they felt like someone was pushing them apart it was Tane Tane used his mighty muscles to lift Rangi as high as he could pushing them apart. Finally Rangi and Papa were apart at last the children had more space they were free BUT Rangi and papa were really sad Rangi cried it started to rain Rangi made it windy and cold. But there was someone else that was sad Ariki the god of wind Ariki was so sad he cried in tears but his tears weren't any normal tears his tears were lighting Rangi catched 7 tears of his own and threw it up in the heavens. When Ariki threw his tears up in the heavens his tears transformed and became the seven stars of Matariki.


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